Nama Lengkap : Wikaria Gazali,S.Si., M.T.
Alamat Rumah : Taman Aries Blok F8 No.14
Kota : Jakarta Barat , Kode Pos : 11620 .
Telp. : (021) 5854266, HP. 08129561430
Alamat Kantor : Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi (FST)
BINUS University Jl. K.H. Syahdan No.9
Kota : Jakarta Barat , Kode Pos : 11480 .
Telp. : (021) 5350660 atau (021) 5345830 ext. 2217
E-mail : dan
Jenjang Jabatan Akademik : Lektor Kepala (700)
No. Sertifikasi Dosen : 081159411210004
NPWP Wikaria Gazali : 06.588.117.9-086.000
Penghargaan : – The Best Lecturer Award Mathematics Department periode of academic year 2005/2006
– The Best Teaching Award Mathematics Department periode of academic year 2006/2007
– Rector’s Award For The Best Teaching Performance in the Mathematics Department for
the period of academic year 2007/2008